Semi Truths A highly irregular weblog dedicated to Truth, Justice, and American Cheese…!

August 27, 2002


Filed under: SEMI-TECH — semi @ 10:55 pm

By now, you’ve seen the Apple Switch ads (“ordinary” schmucks explaining why they switched from PCs to Macs).

Naturally, there are some very fine parodies to be found on the internet, some by actual Mac users, such as Ani Moller. features three flash animations on their site. The one featuring “Steve, the Dell dude” is not as funny as you might think, but I rather like the one with Bill Gates (sounding a lot like Kermit the Frog). There is a link on the page to Flash 5 Player in case you do not already have it.

My personal favorite is from I’m not a gamer myself, but I know enough of their world that I appreciate the sarcasm.

And finally, there is this ad featuring SNL’s Will Ferrell, though I’d be hard pressed to call this an actual parody since it screened at the 2002 MacWorld Expo.


Filed under: Observations — semi @ 10:23 am

Seen on a bumper sticker:

In American public High Schools, PRAY is considered a four letter word.

Hmm, let me see … 1,2,3,4 … yep, “PRAY” is a four letter word. Was there some confusion about that?

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