Semi Truths A highly irregular weblog dedicated to Truth, Justice, and American Cheese…!

November 19, 2002


Filed under: Politics — semi @ 10:06 pm

Recognize these quotes?

On “President” Bush:

“A few months after 9/11, he began to make some horrible decisions that are coming back to haunt us.”

On our economic outlook:

“Our Country is headed for very deep trouble. I wish it were not so, but I believe it with all my heart. I think that our economic plan has zero chance of working. I think it is wrong at it’s core.”

On the White House and the environment:

“The President’s determination to do absolutely nothing about global warming … is immoral.”

Who is this courageous national figure that dares to speak his mind, unshackled by the burdens of polls and legions of handlers?

None other than the self-described “man who used to be the next President of the United States”, winner of the 2000 Presidential election, and the person whom 61% of Democrats in a recent TIME/CNN survey said that they would like to see run for President in 2004.

If you would like to read and see more, check out Karen Tumulty’s profile of a newly energized Al Gore on TIME.COM at:,9171,1101021125-390894,00.html

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