Semi Truths A highly irregular weblog dedicated to Truth, Justice, and American Cheese…!

February 28, 2003


Filed under: Humor,Technology — semi @ 6:51 pm

I cannot remember the last time I actually bought a piece of software “off the shelf”. Nowadays, we think nothing of downloading an application, testing it for a trial period, then deleting it after it has expired or registering it online with a credit card.

I did that very thing today, testing a new software application then choosing to register it. Here is the email I received in response (only the names have been changed to protect the unintentionally funny):

We have received your registration application for (software). It may take a few days to process. In the meantime, please be assured that your tool will continue to function normally.

Well, that’s a relief!


Filed under: Humor — semi @ 11:13 am

This one will make you do a double-take. It is a very clever parody of the ubiquitous HTTP 404 error page tied in to current world events. Follow the link, then look at it closely.

These Weapons of Mass Destruction
cannot be displayed

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