Semi Truths A highly irregular weblog dedicated to Truth, Justice, and American Cheese…!

September 10, 2006

9/11 plus 5

Filed under: Year One — semi @ 4:45 pm

Just over five years ago, I began Semi Truths as a venue for my political satire. Tuesday nights were my night for writing, so I would spend much of the day in my pointless job thinking about what I would craft that evening. On Tuesday morning, September 11 2001, I met some co-workers for breakfast, then drove in a little later than usual, listening to the radio on the way. That was when I first heard about the plane that had struck the World Trade Center.


September 1, 2006

Black-Out Day

Filed under: Impeach,Politics — semi @ 1:25 pm

Impeach-thumbnail.pngThis site is participating in the Impeachment Black-Out. Starting at noon on September 1 2006, participating websites and blogs will replace their front pages with the single word “Impeach” in simple white text on a black background. For 24 hours, web surfers and blog readers will see that word first when they visit their favorite sites. In this way, we hope to get the public talking about the one tool guaranteed by the Founders to restore our Constitutional Democracy.

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