Semi Truths A highly irregular weblog dedicated to Truth, Justice, and American Cheese…!

March 12, 2007

Wacky Pedia

Filed under: Politics,WWW — semi @ 3:30 pm

I love the idea behind Wikipedia, an online collaborative encyclopedia. Yes, the site has its critics, but the promise of a publicly available and “editable” repository of collective knowledge is a very 21st century concept.

Not surprisingly, in this age of targeted information, other groups with focussed interest have set up their own Wiki repositories, such as Wookepedia, the Star Wars encyclopedia.

It therefore shouldn’t be surprising to learn of a conservative wiki called Conservapedia. Started in November of 2006 (before or after the mid-term elections, it does not say), the site describes itself as “an online resource … where we give full credit to Christianity and America (with) concise, clean answers free of ‘political correctness’…” (of that last promise, I have no doubt).

The site is actually kind of interesting, mostly to see what topics make it onto the conservative radar, but it is rife with conservative twisting and, naturally, some pranksterish untwisting. For example, the current entry for George W. Bush states that “Bush won reelection by a popular margin of tens of votes“, and under Economic Issues, asserts that “Though the liberal media continues to disparage Bush’s handling of the economy, they often neglect to report the many aspects of the economy that Bush has improved. For example, during his term Exxon Mobile has posted the largest profit of any company in a signle (sic) year…”

The site is still young, and the administrators of this site aren’t quite on top of off-message entries and edits. Reproduced below is the current entry for Iraq, intact with misspellings and sophomoric humor. Read it here, for by the time you visit the site, much of this is likely to be gone.

A Middle-Eastern country, invaded in 2003 and currently occupied by a U.S.-led coalition. Following an illegal invasion, condemned by the international community. The alleged Weapons of Mass Destruction have not, as yet, been located, despite Donald Rumsfeld still having the receipts.

The Occupation has been beset by scandal and outrage, with the horrendous and unjustifiable abuse of Iraqi citizens in torture camps, and the descent of the country into civil war, leading to the rise of unmoderated Religious extremism.

Iraq, the best country in the world, famous for its military, high qualioty uranium and the site for George W Bush secret penthouse. Home of the world class Taliban tigers baseball team who each year give america a good wooping in the super league.

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