Semi Truths A highly irregular weblog dedicated to Truth, Justice, and American Cheese…!

May 23, 2006


Filed under: Technology — semi @ 9:32 pm

The new Manhattan Apple Store that I wrote about a few days ago has an interesting time-lapse video on it’s official site showing the first 24 hours of the opening. I took a look to see if I could spot anybody I knew when I saw this guy:



Filed under: Bloggers,Politics,Virginia — semi @ 8:40 pm

As always, Waldo and his band of loyal readers have an interesting discussion going on regarding the VA primaries. I sympathize with Waldo’s frustration, but I also agree with the point that a well-fought primary campaign only makes the candidate a better campaigner and better prepared for the real fight. If you think things are nasty now, wait until our guy goes up against George Allen…(shudder).

You can see a pretty good “debate” video of Harris Miller and Jim Webb here.

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