Semi Truths A highly irregular weblog dedicated to Truth, Justice, and American Cheese…!

February 11, 2003


Filed under: Death and Texas — semi @ 10:53 pm

Here is an almost unbelievable story from the New York Times (note: site requires registration if you do not already have an NYT account):

State Can Make Inmate Sane Enough to Execute
The federal appeals court in St. Louis ruled yesterday that officials in Arkansas can force a prisoner on death row to take antipsychotic medication to make him sane enough to execute. Without the drugs, the prisoner, Charles Laverne Singleton, could not be put to death under a United States Supreme Court decision that prohibits the execution of the insane.

“We have to gave him antipsychotic drugs so he’s not crazy when we kill him…! Anything less would be cruel and unusual.”

Can anyone still argue that capital punishment is sane? What are we trying to deter?


Filed under: Politics — semi @ 10:18 pm

(Thank you to the Citizens For Legitimate Government newsletter for bringing this one to my attention)

From the InvesTrend website:

Halliburton, GE, Conoco Accused of Terrorist Ties

New York City Comptroller William C. Thompson, Jr. has called for a “review” of three U.S. companies that “ conduct business with terrorist-linked companies,” naming General Electric Co., ConocoPhillips and Halliburton Company. Thompson has submitted shareholder resolutions on behalf of the New York City Police and Fire Department Pension Funds to the companies, calling for a vote to establish a Board of Directors’ committee to review the corporation’s operations with reference to “potential financial and reputational risks.”

“If we are trying to eradicate terrorism, we must ensure that companies in our portfolio are not using off-shore subsidiaries to legally evade United States sanctions against terrorist-sponsoring states,” Thompson said.

You mean just because a country harbors terrorists and produces weapons of mass destruction, we can’t do business with them? Say, what kind of Amerricun are you?


Filed under: Politics — semi @ 10:12 am

In the 1983 film WarGames, Matthew Broderick taps into a super-secret military central computer and inadvertently starts a nuclear countdown with the Soviet Union. **Spoiler Alert** … In the climax of the film, the computer figures out that every war scenario ends with the mutually assured destruction of both sides and it shuts itself down, thereby proving that machines are smarter than we are.

Reuters is carrying a story (which has apparently been picked up by many major news outlets) about an online “game” called Gulf War 2 in which players assume the role of “President” Bush and try to work their way through the Iraq quagmire while receiving advice from caricatures of Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice. The U.S.-led army overthrows Saddam Hussein, has to choose a new leader from a group of look-alikes, then stands helplessly by as the entire region becomes enflamed in deepening violence. **Spoiler Alert** … The inevitable outcome is the very definition of pyrrhic victory.

In fact, it is not a game at all, but a thoughtful and thought-provoking bit of flash animation, which the author readily admits on his website. He has also been a bit overwhelmed by the publicity; according to Reuters, about 20,000 people a day are logging on. Naturally, he is also getting his share of hate mail (since apparently anybody who engages in reason and truth is an enemy of the state).

If you have a decent connection and a sound card, check out Gulf War 2 here.

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