Semi Truths A highly irregular weblog dedicated to Truth, Justice, and American Cheese…!

July 7, 2006

“Weekend Without Echoes”

Filed under: Bloggers — semi @ 10:35 am

In response to comments made by journalists at the Sorenson VA Bloggers Summit, panelist F.T. Rea has posted an intriguing challenge. He calls it a “Weekend Without Echoes“:

“…I’d like to propose that bloggers who want to participate in a little experiment, use the weekend of July 21-23 to show the rest of the blogosphere that it can be done. It would be a weekend vacation from copying, and piling on, and talking points … a weekend without calling everyone with whom one disagrees a “liberal,” or a “conservative,” as if those are dirty words.”

F.T. is referring to the “echo chamber” effect of political blogs, a tendency among some higher-profile boggers to link and respond to stories or posts that they have seen on other blogs.

Like my new friend Conaway Haskins, I too consider myself “a writer who blogs“. When I first began Semi Truths in 2001, I felt very much like a lone voice in the wilderness and much of what I have historically posted is original material. But the blogosphere has changed, and now many of the sites that I read regularly are fellow VA bloggers. Unfortunately, it is this very tendency to read and comment upon each other’s blogs that drove me away from this practice for a few years, but it is also this newfound sense of community that has brought me back in.

So, I’m in. My real challenge as a blogger has been to find any time to write, but I should be able to build up some “original” material to post that weekend of July 21 – 23. For just one example, see my essay from two days ago on my family’s trip to D.C. for Independence Day.

Thank you, F.T., for your efforts to expand our definition of blogging.

UPDATE: Vivian Paige is collecting links to the “coalition of the willing”, those bloggers who will participate in the WWE. I am scheduled to be on Coy Barefoot‘s “Charlottesville — Right Now!” radio show this afternoon at 4:30 and will talk about the WWE then. The radio interview has been rescheduled for July 20, which is even closer to the WWE.

May 23, 2006


Filed under: Bloggers,Politics,Virginia — semi @ 8:40 pm

As always, Waldo and his band of loyal readers have an interesting discussion going on regarding the VA primaries. I sympathize with Waldo’s frustration, but I also agree with the point that a well-fought primary campaign only makes the candidate a better campaigner and better prepared for the real fight. If you think things are nasty now, wait until our guy goes up against George Allen…(shudder).

You can see a pretty good “debate” video of Harris Miller and Jim Webb here.

May 10, 2006


Filed under: Bloggers,Charlottesville — semi @ 1:33 am

Charlottesville’s Sorenson Institute for Political Leadership has announced the 2006 Summit on Blogging and Democracy in the Commonwealth, two half-days of workshops covering topics as diverse as Enhancing and Promoting Your Blog, Blogging 101, Building Online Community, and Blogging & Journalism. Additionaly, there will be sessions on how campaign finance laws could affect the future of political blogging and a discussion on the Ethics of Politics. Semi Truths could not be present last year, but you can sure that we’ll be there this time.

June 10, 2003


Filed under: Bloggers — semi @ 11:16 pm

I am a newfound admirer of a journal written under the nom-de-plume of Sisyphus Shrugged. She has come up with what I think ought to be the motto of the New Left. Read it and cheer here.

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