Semi Truths A highly irregular weblog dedicated to Truth, Justice, and American Cheese…!

August 25, 2006

Highway Robbery

Filed under: Charlottesville,Politics,Virginia — semi @ 7:03 pm

gallen.jpgThe Washington Post, as well as other news outlets, reported today that the Secret Service asked the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to shut down the HOV (that’s High Occupancy Vehicle, for those reading outside of VA) lanes on I-395 from 1:00 to 7:00 PM on Wednesday so that “President” Bush could drive to a presumably urgent fund-rasier in Mt. Vernon for Republican Senator George Allen.

If you’ve ever driven on that stretch of road anytime between, say, 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM, you know that it is already a slowly-moving parking lot. The HOV lanes are the only relief as that is where the commuter buses travel, as well as the cars with three or more drivers. Shutting down those lanes would have been — what’s the word that Bush recently used to describe pulling out of Iraq? — oh yeah … a disaster!

My favorite part of the story: the VDOT turned them down. They are now my heroes.

Actually, I secretly wish they hadn’t. I personally would have loved to see all those red brake lights and tens of thousands of fuming motorists hearing that they’re stuck so Bush could attend a $200 a plate fundraiser for the putative Republican presidential candidate whom many describe as “Bush without the brains”. (Okay, I made that last part up; I’m sure the dinner was much more than $200 a plate…)

July 24, 2006

Putting the “Pseudo” back into Pseudonymous

Filed under: Charlottesville,Personal — semi @ 1:35 pm

On July 20th, I was honored to be a guest on Coy Barefoot’s Charlottesville – Right Now to talk about this blog and thus shredding any remaining pretense of pseudonymity. It was a great experience. Coy is just one heck of a nice guy and very smart. In the late 70’s, I worked in college radio, often the only person in the studio on the midnight shift. I’d be pushing carts (cartridges), spinning LPs, answering phones, and being both the talent and the engineer. It was great fun, but I envied professional DJs who had engineers to do all that for them. Well, technology has come full circle. I sat in a studio with Coy while he interviewed me and watched him launch PSAs and commercials from his computer console, play intros and outros, dash around the station during commercial breaks looking for material that he needed, all without an engineer. Technology really hasn’t made our jobs any easier, just more productive.

Podcast courtesy of Sean Tubbs and the CVille Podcast Network.

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July 18, 2006

Peachy Impeachment Teach-in

Filed under: Charlottesville — semi @ 1:19 pm

My favorite local activist group, the CCPJ, is hosting a local Impeachment Teach-in (.PDF) tomorrow, July 19, at the UU Church on Rugy Road. The event is sponsored by the Center for Constitutional Rights as part of their national teach-in series. This is a grass roots effort to get our leaders to pay attention to the very serious abridgements of constitutional democracy perpetrated by the current White House administration. Further information can be found here.

July 7, 2006

White House Chain Gang

Filed under: Charlottesville — semi @ 5:14 pm

My favorite local activist group, the CCPJ, is holding a bit of political theater today at Charlottesville’s Downtown Mall near the Freedom of Expression Wall. “Big Head” Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Rice will be on display in chains and with guards to provide a humorous face to the not-so-funny calls for Bush Administration accountability. See for more history and details.


UPDATE: David Swanson has posted pictures from the Downtown event at

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