Semi Truths A highly irregular weblog dedicated to Truth, Justice, and American Cheese…!

May 18, 2006


Filed under: Charlottesville,Politics — semi @ 10:00 pm

Last night, I had the honor of introducing Cindy Sheehan and Ann Wright at an event sponsored by the Charlottesville Center for Peace and Justice. I have created a page with my notes and room for more information here:

You can hear the webcast, courtesy of the CVille Podcast Network, here:

May 13, 2006


Filed under: Media,Politics — semi @ 6:05 pm

Yeah, I’m a little late in finding this one, but there was so much fuss about Stephen Colbert’s performance at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner that it took awhile for me to hear that Bush’s performance was worth watching. I have to give him credit, it was funny. I think Bush got more laughs not just because it was a friendly crowd, which is a questionable claim, but because it’s funnier watching someone make fun of themselves than it is watching someone get made fun of.

May 10, 2006


Filed under: Charlottesville,Politics — semi @ 3:38 am

Semi Truths began with a single mission: to change the world.

No, obviously not, but I am afraid that too many of my fellow bloggers substitute their WRITTEN OUTRAGE for any actual action. It’s easy to sit in front of a computer and type “Bush Sucks!”. It’s more difficult to get up and actually go out into the world and start a dialogue.

A few months ago, I attended a Town Hall Forum on Iraq, sponsored by the Charlottesville Center for Peace and Justice. There, I met David Swanson, a powerful man driven by great passions who has the ability to pull people into his own gravitational field. David invited me to join the CCPJ’s Speakers Committee, which is how I found myself helping to bring Cindy Sheehan to Charlottesville on May 17th and, improbably, why I will be up on stage the event…!



Filed under: Bloggers,Charlottesville — semi @ 1:33 am

Charlottesville’s Sorenson Institute for Political Leadership has announced the 2006 Summit on Blogging and Democracy in the Commonwealth, two half-days of workshops covering topics as diverse as Enhancing and Promoting Your Blog, Blogging 101, Building Online Community, and Blogging & Journalism. Additionaly, there will be sessions on how campaign finance laws could affect the future of political blogging and a discussion on the Ethics of Politics. Semi Truths could not be present last year, but you can sure that we’ll be there this time.

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