Semi Truths A highly irregular weblog dedicated to Truth, Justice, and American Cheese…!

May 10, 2006


Filed under: Politics — semi @ 12:42 am

Recently, I had the pleasure of meeting Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer only a few days after CBS’s 60 Minutes dubbed him “half Renaissance man, half rodeo cowboy”. The governor came to Charlottesville in an appearance sponsored by the UVA Center for Politics  to talk about biodiesel and alternative energy. I liked him immediately.

He is a Democratic Governor in a Red state with less than one million residents, and with a Republican Lt. Governor. He is a rancher and an agricultural scientist. He has built roads in Africa and irrigated croplands in Saudi Arabia. He may be “the next best hope of the Democratic Party“, and now he has done something else great.


May 1, 2006


Filed under: Politics,Satire — semi @ 11:15 pm

I would like to suggest a proposal regarding the Iran nuclear situation that, to my knowledge, has not yet been put forward.

The Administration is worried that Iran’s efforts to develop nuclear power generation are just a guise for developing nuclear weapons. Pundits are proclaiming that, once it is a nuclear power, Iran will threaten Israel. The International community favors diplomacy, the White House prefers saber rattling, and the rest of us think this all sounds awfully familiar and wonder whether the U.S. is going to invade Iran tomorrow or wait until the weekend…

I say: let ‘em have The Bomb.



Filed under: Charlottesville — semi @ 10:29 pm

The Charlottesville Democratic Party is driving me crazy! Four years ago, an internicine fight caused them to run a weakened candidate for City Council. Meanwhile, the minority Republican party unified behind a single crazy person and he actually got elected!


April 30, 2006


Filed under: General — semi @ 10:32 pm

In early 2001, I started Semi Truths as a forum for my own writing. I have always wanted to be a columnist, but this little thing called “a regular paycheck” kept beckoning. So, I started writing on the web…

A year later, I saw these things called “Blogs”. Interesting. Instead of sweating over long essays whenever I could find the time (no more than two or three times a month), I could write short, pithy comments interspersed with longer essays. Cool. So Semi Truths became a blog.

Back then, though, the most adaptable tools for creating Weblogs were the same kind of tools we used to create all websites: you create all your pages locally, then upload them to your web server. Worse, when you’re dealing with .XML and CSS, it was often impossible to even see the results until they’re actually uploaded onto the site.

I stopped posting regularly onto Semi Truths late in 2003. The site foundered, I moved onto other things, and blogging evolved from a rarified form of expression among technical elites into something that everybody with a keyboard could do. In other words, it grew up.

Now there are new tools, new ways to do this, and I find myself drawn back in. When I have room here, I will list some of my favorite bloggers and why, but for now I just need to roll my sleeves up and get some words out.

It’s good to be back.

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